DIS-TRAN Steel Blog

Industry information, application knowledge, and fun facts about steel transmission and substation structures.


For hundreds of years steel has served as the physical backbone of civilization. Landmark...

Pros and Cons of using 3D Detailing for Steel Structures...

Trying to find technical blog topics that can be useful and interesting can be difficult. Welcome...

Steel Structures Can be a HOT Business

I just got back from vacation and it was HOT. I started thinking that this must be the hottest time...

3 Transmission Structures Broken Down

When designing transmission structures...

It’s not as simple as saying “ok, I want self-supporting...

Tips for Successful Galvanizing Touch-Ups in the Field

“How do I successfully touch-up galvanizing in the field?” This is a common question about ...

DIS-TRAN Take2: How to Calculate the Anchor Bolt Embedment of Transmission Poles

It's been a while, but we are still at it... That's hopefully creating useful tips that make your...

9 Must Haves for a Steel Structure Specification

Specification are to Steel Structures like...Cherries are to a Banana Split.

Specifications come in...